Later however, they were suddenly told to lock themselves up inside the boys bedroom until further instructions. For the last time, the selected housemates rehearsed a surprise number for Toni's mom since the latter is celebrating her birthday today. It was an original composition of Mcoy which was performed by Victor and Riza. In between verses, Yayo read heartfelt words of gratitude to a loving mother.

As she recited her moving poem that reflected her appreciation for the housemates individualities, they weren't able to resist the urge to cry. For in truth, she has become a certified housemate to them. It was obvious on how she tightly hugged each of the girls while she whispered words of courage at a time where they are all fighting exhaustion not only from the various challenges but also their personal worries.
To fetch her on the spot was Mrs. Crisanta Gonzaga who heard the housemates special number for her in the flesh! Afterwhich, Toni tearfully thanked her mom for raising her as she is now. But the touching picture they made quickly passed to the moment of her goodbye. She will certainly be missed not only by them but also the viewers loved to see her longer inside the big yellow house.
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